Senate Committee Charges
Charge: Committee Created March 2023 (last updated: 4/19/24)
1. The committee considers calendar matters for the university, excluding OUWB.
2. The committee collects, documents, and maintains established and approved calendar
guidelines and priorities.
3. The committee educates and advises the Senate and other stakeholders on matters
affecting the academic calendar, (e.g., semester start and end dates, and breaks).
4. The committee collects and analyzes calendar change requests from stakeholders, and
educates and advises the campus community on current and potential calendar
Members of the committee may be asked to meet over the Summer semester as needed.
Membership | Status | Term | Appointing Body |
(4) faculty representatives |
Voting | Staggered 3-years | Appointed by the Senate Steering Committee |
Student Congress Member | Voting | 1-year | Appointed by Student Congress |
Registrar (or Designee) | Ex-Officio Voting | While Registrar | Registrar |
Provost Office Representative | Voting | Period designated by the Exec VP of Academic Affairs and Provost |
Appointed by the Executive VP of Academic Affairs and Provost |
Graduate School Dean (or Designee) | Voting | While Dean, Graduate School | Appointed by Graduate School Dean |
- To advise the University Senate on all matters pertaining to the use of computers for instruction and research. It is expected to define and be responsive to the needs of students and faculty using the University computer facilities.
- It is given primary responsibility for devising and directing the implementation of plans to develop appropriate levels of computer literacy.
- It is required to prepare annually a recommendation to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and President on requirements for improvements and additions in computer facilities (both hardware and software) to meet the anticipated computing needs for the subsequent five-year period.
- To advise the Chief Information Officer as necessary and assist in developing services, schedules, and priorities for academic computing usage in relation to total University computer usage. It should, periodically, examine patterns of use and charge systems, and make recommendations for such modifications as may be necessary.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Nine faculty, one as chair |
Voting |
Staggered 2-year |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Student |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Student |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Chapter of ACM |
Chair, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering |
Ex-officio and Voting |
While Dept. Chair |
Chief Information Officer (CIO) |
Ex-officio and Voting |
While CIO |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (or Designee) |
Ex-officio and Voting |
While Exec Vice President or for period Exec Vice President designates |
Exec Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
Executive Director Classroom Support and Instructional Technology Services (CSITS) (or Designee) |
Ex-Officio and Voting |
While Assistant Vice President or for period Assistant Vice President designates |
Executive Director, CSITS |
To review, propose, and implement policies concerning academic dishonesty.
This committee is permitted, and does meet for a full 12 calendar months due to the Academic Conduct hearings being scheduled through the summer.
Faculty membership is set for staggered 3-year commitments. As a result, chairpersons are typically selected from committee members who have been on the committee for 1 year. Although there is one chairperson on record, the committee operates with 4 co-chairpersons as a practice. If selected as a co-chairperson, this commitment involves the 2nd and 3rd years of the staggered 3-year commitments.
There will be 10 students who serve on this committee to balance the workload of the Academic Conduct hearings that meet during the 12 calendar months of the year.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
15 faculty, one as chair |
Voting |
Staggered 3-year |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Four students |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Six students |
Voting |
1-year |
Dean of Students |
Two student alternates |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Voting |
While Vice President or for period Vice President designates |
Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer |
Committee established 11/21/24
- To review, propose, and implement university policies concerning University Honors and report to the Senate
- To review petitions from students regarding granting of University Honors
- To promote and manage the awarding of the Undergraduate Distinguished Achievement Award
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Five faculty, one as chair |
Voting |
Staggered 3-year |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One student |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (or Designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Exec Vice President or for period Exec Vice President designates |
Exec Vice President for Academic Affairs |
- To coordinate and advise on the planning and implementation of assessment by academic units;
- To prepare an overall University Assessment Plan which meets the requirements of Higher Learning Commission and to consult with the staff of that Association, as appropriate, to insure that the Plan and its implementation continue to meet Association standards;
- To advise and cooperate with the General Education Committee in planning and carrying out assessment of the University's general education programs;
- To advise the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the University Committee on Undergraduate Instruction, and the Graduate Council on the findings of the assessment program and their implications for specific program reviews and for maintaining and improving the quality of undergraduate and graduate instruction in general; and
- To report to the University Senate and the Assemblies of the organized faculties on the findings of the assessment program and their implications for maintaining and improving the quality of undergraduate and graduate curricula and instruction at the University.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Three faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, eligible to be named chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One faculty member from each school and the library, eligible to be named chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Two at-large faculty appointees, eligible to be named chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One student |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Director and Assistant Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Director and Assistant Director |
Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Vice President or for period Vice President designates |
Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer |
One Oakland University Alumnus(a) |
Voting |
3-years |
The Alumni Board on nomination of the Vice President for University Advancement |
Charge: Last Updated 11/21/23
- To work with the President, vice presidents, and Senate Planning Review Committee in the implementation of university plans, goals, objectives, role, and mission;
- To receive from the President reports on available resources and their allocation to the university divisions and, jointly with the Senate Planning Review Committee, to advise the President regarding priorities for such allocations;
- To receive from the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost reports on available resources and their allocation to the university's academic programs and, jointly with the Senate Planning Review Committee, to advise the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost regarding priorities for such allocations;
- To report to the Senate on the current university budget and its role in advancing university goals and objectives;
- To advise the Senate concerning the budgetary implications of relevant changes affecting the organization of the university;
- To report to the Senate and its committees (as needed, UCUI, the Graduate Council, the General Education Committee) on the university-wide budgetary implications of proposed new academic programs or the discontinuance or major reorganization of existing academic programs as may be proposed; and
- To meet jointly, as needed, but at least once each semester with the Senate Planning Review Committee.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Six faculty, one as chair. The chair, whenever possible will be chosen from a faculty member with experience on the committee |
Voting |
Staggered 3-year |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One Administrative Professional |
Voting |
3-year |
AP Assembly |
Associate Vice President, Budget & Financial Planning |
Voting |
While Associate Vice President, Budget & Financial Planning |
Associate Vice President, Budget & Financial Planning |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and provost (or Designee) |
Ex-Officio and Non-voting |
While EVPAA and Provost or for designated period |
EVPAA and Provost |
Charge - last updated 10/21/22
- To consider the aesthetic, ecological, academic, programmatic, and sustainability impacts of both present practices and future plans for the physical maintenance and development of the campus,
- To recommend and review proposals, guidelines, and policies in these areas, and to advise the administrative officers responsible for campus development,
- Such issues as new construction and renovation, location of utilities and parking facilities, aesthetic accouterments, the environment and sustainability, maintenance and the identification of areas for outdoor education shall fall within the purview of this committee.
- Members of the committee may be asked to meet over the Summer semester as needed.
- This committee will establish an information sharing process including timelines with Facilities Management to ensure timely execution of the committee charge.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Five faculty, one of these as chair, one with expertise in ecology or environmental science |
Voting |
Staggered 3-year |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Four students |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Four Administrative Professionals |
Voting |
Staggered 3-year |
AP Assembly |
Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer (or Designee) |
Voting |
While Vice President or for period Vice President designates |
Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer |
One professional staff member from Campus Facilities and Operations |
Voting |
1-year |
Associate Vice President for Facilities Management |
Associate Vice President for Facilities Management |
Ex-Officio and Non-voting |
While Associate Vice President |
Associate Vice President for Facilities Management |
Associate Provost for Operations |
Ex-Officio and Non-Voting |
While Associate Provost for Operations |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
Charge - Committee created May 2023
The Committee shall work in consultation with the Registrar and Provost’s Office for monitoring, reviewing, and guiding decision-making with respect to recommendations for classroom and academic scheduling and related resources as well as developing recommendations for policies and practices on the most efficient and effective use of classroom resources and academic scheduling development.
1. Initiates the development of policies, practices, and procedures pertaining to classroom scheduling and related academic scheduling for approval or endorsement (as appropriate) and then moves them through the appropriate approval processes.
2. To prepare recommendations to the Senate for scheduling policy changes that will be responsive to academic needs of programs and will simultaneously maximize classroom use for strategic growth.
3. Analyze data relating to classroom usage, course scheduling, seat fill rates, enrollment caps, and space utilization.
4. To identify all differing course delivery patterns (laboratory/studio, 4- vs. 3-credit, online, hybrid, out-of-module F2F, etc., classes) which impact classroom use and academic schedule development.
5. Analyze all of the course delivery patterns including delivery patterns that fall outside of the current time modules.
6. Make the enforcement of standardized course times a priority.
7. Consults with Registrar on any questions, issues, or disputes about class scheduling in accordance with the Scheduling Values, General Purpose Classroom Optimization and Assignment practices.
8. Develops registration related policies and procedures including the use of technology and resources to support the class scheduling and registration process.
9. Consults with other committees, task forces, or working groups as appropriate and may make subcommittees as needed.
Committee Membership:
Membership |
Status | Term | Appointed Body |
One (1) faculty per School and two (2) faculty from CAS and two (2) faculty At-large | Voting | Staggered, Three (3) years | Appointed by Senate Steering Committee |
Student Congress Member | Voting | One Year | Appointed by Student Congress |
Adviser | Voting | Three (3) Years | Appointed by PAC |
Academic Unit Scheduler | Voting | One Year | Appointed by Senate Steering Committee |
Registrar or Designee | Ex-Officio and Voting | While Registrar | Registrar |
Associate Dean | Voting | One Year | Appointed by Senate Steering Committee |
AA Provost Office Designee | Voting | One Year | Appointed by EVPAA&P |
Committee Established: May 2022 (Updated 10/21/24)
Rationale: To support the strategic goal of the university to be a community engaged institution.
- Examine university policies, procedures, behaviors, and culture for alignment with community engagement definitions, goals, and priorities.
- Unify data collection and reporting on community engagement by:
a. recommending to the Senate policies and processes for gathering data on community engagement activities
b. working with existing committees on using data to inform decisions, especially around community engagement metrics/needs
c. gathering and reporting annually on community engagement data - Provide support to and oversight of university-wide community engagement activities.
- Communicate University community engagement progress:
- highlight, elevate and celebrate community engagement work at OU for the external campus community
- inform the campus community of successes around community engagement work as well as shared knowledge and best practices of authentic community engagement work
- update the community engagement dashboard with relevant data
- Engage in the process of the Carnegie and other community engagement reports.
- Report yearly to the Senate on the committee’s activities.
- Continuously review Goal 3 priorities to advise the University on community engagement activities,
- Manage the University's Community Engagement awards process.
Membership | Status | Term | Appointing Body |
Three faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, eligible to be named chair |
Voting | Staggered, 3-years | Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One faculty member from each school and the library, eligible to be named chair |
Voting | Staggered, 3-years | Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Two At-Large faculty appointees, |
Voting | Staggered, 3-years | Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One student | Voting | 1-year | Student Congress |
Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (or designee) | Ex-officio and non-voting | While Director or for period Director designates | Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Director of Community Engagement | Ex-officio and non-voting | While Director | Provost Office |
VP of Communications & Marketing or Designee | Ex-officio and non-voting | While VP or for period VP designates | Vice President of Communications and Marketing |
Provost Office Representative | Ex-officio and non-voting | Period designated by the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost | Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost |
Established: May 18, 2023
Rationale: This committee seeks to encourage disability literacy across campus and to promote an understanding of disability as a central component of human diversity. The committee’s aim is to integrate disability visibility into the university curriculum, scholarship, and community as a means of understanding human experience in our contemporary world.
Charge: To implement this rationale, the committee’s main goal will be to raise the profile of disability as a previously underrecognized way of understanding human diversity, to be included with other urgent areas of inquiry and identity in DEI such as race, class, and gender. Without critical attention to these issues, we further marginalize a part of the population, and thus not serve the whole OU community. This work includes:
- Advocate for increased attention to disability throughout the university, including the creation of new means of sharing work-in-progress and promoting collaboration across centers, departments, and units
- Collaborate with multiple units to develop a curriculum at undergraduate and graduate level
- Educating through presentations, workshops and events to the university and the surrounding community on issues of disability literacy
- Creating partnerships with OU offices and campus resources to support accessibility and other disability visibility issues
We see barriers existing on campus in a variety of forms including (but not limited to):
- Students’ lack of access to multi-dimensional support in and out of the classroom
- The need to fully incorporate disability into DEI measures and discourse throughout the university
- The scarcity of courses at the UG and Graduate level focused on issues around disability
- The lack of a center for the study of disability on campus that would integrate all units.
- The need for more community engagement and partnerships to connect the university community to the larger community
Committee structure: The committee will be composed of an executive committee and working groups. Two co-leaders will direct the executive committee which will serve as the “hub” organizing working groups. Staggered three-years terms for all members will start after the first year. Working groups will be created and staffed as needed.
Executive Committee Membership:
Membership | Status | Term | Appointing Body |
One faculty representative from each academic unit + two (2) At Large. Two (2) shall be named as co-leaders |
Voting | Three years staggered after the first year | Senate Steering Committee |
Student Congress Representative |
Voting | One year | Student Congress |
Disability Support and Services Representative |
Voting | One year or while Director of DSS | Director of DSS or Designee |
EVPAA Appointee | Voting | One Year | EVPAA&P |
Committee Established: May 2022 / last updated 9/24/24 (12:10 pm kmd)
Rationale: To support the use of service learning as a high impact practice and community engagement efforts courses will now be able to be designated on a student’s transcript with a service learning attribute. In order for this attribute to be added to a course the syllabus must be reviewed. This requires a faculty led review process similar to our GEN ED committee processes. The workload of the GEN ED committee is too great to add this to their charge so this new committee was created to manage this process.
Experiential Learning Committee Charge:
1. To recommend to the Senate policies and requirements for experiential learning courses;
2. function as a curriculum committee for the review of courses seeking an experiential learning designation;
3. function as the assessment committee for courses designated as experiential learning courses;
4. support and collaborate with the Service Learning Subcommittee on it's charge;
5. report yearly to the Senate on the committee’s activities.
Service Learning Subcommittee Charge:
1. To collaborate with the Experiential Learning Committee on policies and requirements for service learning courses;
2. function as a curriculum committee for the review of courses seeking the service learning designation;
3. function as the assessment committee for courses designated as service learning courses;
4. report yearly to the Experiential Learning Committee on the Service Learning committee’s activities;
5. provide information as necessary for the Experiential Learning Committee’s report to the Senate.
Membership | Status | Term | Appointing Body |
Three faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, eligible to be named chair | Voting | Staggered, 3-years | Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One faculty member from the each school and the library, eligible to be named chair | Voting | Staggered, 3-years | Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Four At-Large faculty appointees, eligible to be named chair | Voting | Staggered, 3-years | Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Two students | Voting | 1-year | Student Congress |
Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (or designee) | Ex-officio and Non-voting | While Director or for period Director designates | Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Director of Community Engagement | Ex-officio and Non-voting | While Director | Provost Office |
Director of Career and Life Design Center (or designee) | Ex-officio and Non-voting | While Director | Student Affairs |
Registrar (or designee) | Ex-officio and Non-Voting | While Registrar or for period appointed by Registrar | Registrar |
Provost Office Representative | Ex-officio and Non-Voting | Period designated by the Exec VP of Academic Affairs and Provost | Executive VP of Academic Affairs and Provost |
Membership | Status | Term | Appointing Body |
Seven faculty from the Experiential committee, eligible to be named chair of the subcommittee | Voting | Staggered, 3-years | Chair of the Experiential Learning Committee |
One student | Voting | 1 - year | OU Student Congress |
Director of Community Engagement | Ex-officio and Non-voting | While Director | Provost Office |
Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (or designee) | Ex-oficio and Non-voting | While Director or for the period Director designates | Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Registrar (or designee) | Ex-officio and Non-Voting | While Registrar or for period appointed by Registrar | Registrar |
Provost Office Representative | Ex-officio and Non-Voting | Period designated by the Exec VP of Academic Affairs and Provost | Executive VP of Academic Affairs and Provost |
- to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in an environment of mutual trust and respect at all levels of the institution
- to oversee diversity, equity, and inclusion training programs related to faculty recruitment and promotion
- to research and promote best practices in faculty recruitment and retention
- to regularly conduct policy audits and recommend changes necessary to support a diversity, equity and inclusion in faculty recruitment, hiring, promotion and tenure and opportunities for leadership
- to identify all campus programs and resources pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion; document and maintain an organizational chart that is broadly available to the campus community
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Three faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, eligible to be named chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3 years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One faculty member from each school and the library, eligible to be named chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3 years |
Senate upon nomination by the Senate Steering Committee |
One At-Large faculty member, eligible to be named chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3 years |
Senate upon nomination by the Senate Steering Committee |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (or designee from AHR) | Ex-officio and non-voting | For the period designated by the Executive Vice President | Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
Last Updated: 1/17/25
General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC)
(Approved May 2020 by the Senate/ Revised May 2022/ last updated: 4/19/24)
The General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) is a standing committee that oversees the assessment of the General Education program and General Education courses, and it is appointed by the OU Senate to
- function as the assessment committee for a university-wide program of General Education,
- coordinate and advise on the planning and implementation of General Education assessment by academic units;
- advise and coordinate with the General Education Committee in planning and carrying out assessment of the University's General Education program, exchange minutes, and provide information on General Education assessment for preparation of the with the General Education Committee's annual report. The co-chairs shall meet at least once each semester with the co-chairs of the General Education Committee.
- advise the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the University Committee on Undergraduate Instruction, the University Assessment Committee, and the General Education Committee on the findings of their program assessment and on their implications for specific program reviews and for maintaining and improving the quality of general education curricula and instruction;
- report to the University Senate and the Assemblies of the organized faculties on the findings of the General Eucation assessment program and their implications for maintaining and improving the quality of undergraduate General Education curricula and instruction at the University; and
- appoint two voting members as co-chairs* who would serve for two years, and their terms would be staggered so that each year the experienced co-chair could orient the incoming co-chair to the committee responsibilities.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Three faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, eligible to be co-chair* |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One faculty member from each school and the library, eligible to be named co-chair* |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Two at-large faculty appointees, eligible to be named co-chair* |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One student |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Director or for period Director designates |
Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
General Education Assessment Coordinator |
Ex-officio and non-voting |
While coordinator |
Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Registrar (or designee) |
Ex-officio and non-voting |
While Registrar or appointed by Registrar |
Registrar |
Updated: 4/19/24
- To recommend to the Senate policies and requirements for undergraduate general education;
- To function as a curriculum committee for the university-wide program of General Education;
- To respond to petitions of exception relating to that program in accordance with Senate authorizations;
- To communicate with the University Committee on Undergraduate Instruction annually, providing information on petitions of exception from University requirements; and
- To advise and coordinate with the General Education Assessment Committee to establish priorities for each academic year and exchange minutes. The co-chairs shall meet aqt least once each semester with the co-chiars of the General Education Assessment Committee.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Thirteen faculty, (including one faculty from the Kresge Library), two as co-chairs |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Student Congress Undergraduate Representative | Voting | One (1) Year | Student Congress |
Professional Advisor |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Professional Advising Council |
General Education Coordinator | Ex-officio and Non-voting | While Coordinator or Appointed by the Executive VP for AA and Provost | Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
Co-Chair from the General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) |
Ex-Officio and |
While Co-Chair |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Registrar (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Registrar or appointed by Registrar |
Registrar |
Associate Provost |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Associate Provost |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
Committee Established: May 2022 / last updated 4/19/24
Rationale: In the United States, the higher educational system is founded on the Liberal Arts and General Education. To stay relevant to the needs of our students and society we must undertake regular evaluations of our General Education curricular program and revise it as needed. All members of the Ad Hoc committee must agree to respect the Rules of Engagement as presented below.
Charge: To establish a Senate Ad Hoc committee to investigate the options and prepare a report with recommendations about a revision to the General Education Program at Oakland University.
General Education Reform Rules of Engagement
General education and the liberal arts are the foundation of the higher education system of the United States. The purpose of general education is to provide an array of skills that are essential to modern professions, civic engagement, and lifelong learning. Moreover, the general education curriculum reinforces and supports Oakland University’s legacy and its education principles, mission, values, and strategic plan.
In college campuses across the United States, it is within a general education curriculum where students readily and historically participate in service learning, learning communities, and global and civic learning experiences. It is also the place where students are introduced to internships and undergraduate research. General education is also at the forefront of using Open Education Resources and developing skills that most employers seek such as critical and analytical thinking, digital literacy, applied knowledge and skills, and intercultural competency.
To embark on general education reform, it is important to agree to terms of engagement:
1. Respect the members of the team, their insights, and the conversations of the general education team.
2. Recognize and acknowledge the need to consider general education requirements to better reflect national best practices.
3. Recognize that general education is an essential part of US higher education; it is a co-curriculum to the major.
4. Actively listen and respect the insights and opinions of the team members
5. Learn about different general education curricula and approaches, its impact, and its significance; core curriculum, hybrid, and distribution models; and recent innovations and models. General education has a body of literature and knowledge. Share with the team what you have learned about general education
6. Support the purpose of general education as essential to an Oakland University student experience and how it is a foundation that supports the university’s values, mission, and strategic plan.
7. Commit to supporting an innovative curricular design and high impact learning practices including first year experiences, common experiences, service learning, learning communities, and undergraduate research.
8. Establish equity goals for general education that extend across curricula, programming, service learning, and internship opportunities.
Members | Status | Term | Appointing Body |
Faculty from each academic unit, including one from the visual and performing arts, eligible to be named as chair | Voting | For period of ad hoc committee | Senate upon nomination by the Senate Steering Committee |
Student Congress Undergraduate Representative | Voting | One (1) Year | OU Student Congress |
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences | Ex-Officio and Non Voting | For period of ad hoc committee | Dean, College of Arts and Sciences |
Registrar (or Designee) | Ex-Officio and Non Voting | For period of ad hoc committee | Registrar |
CAS Advising Director (or Designee) | Ex-Officio and Non Voting | For period of ad hoc committee | CAS Advising Director |
Adviser (PAC representative; non-CAS) | Non Voting | For period of ad hoc committee | Professional Advising Council (PAC) |
Vice President of Enrollment Mgmt (or Designee) | Ex-Officio and Non Voting | For period of ad hoc committee | Vice President of Enrollment Management |
Director of the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Data Analytics (OIRADA) or Designee | Ex-Officio and Non Voting | For period of ad hoc committee | Director of the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Data Analytics |
To learn more about General Education Reform, please visit the General Education Reform page on the Employee Resource Network (ERN).
NOTE: Rules setting the Graduate Council membership are part of the OU Senate Constitution Article VI.
- To recommend to the University Senate academic policies and procedures concerning graduate education; and, when necessary, seek advice from the Senate Planning Review Committee, the Senate Budget Review Committee, and other appropriate bodies concerning the impact of these policies and procedures.
- To recommend to the University Senate concerning new graduate programs;
- To confer with the Dean of Graduate Education about program support or other activities in graduate education, as the Dean of Graduate Education may seek such advice;
- To recommend and approve modifications in graduate programs with advice from other appropriate bodies as needed;
- To render advice concerning existing programs or alterations in them as Dean of Graduate Education may seek such advice;
- To review all programs in timely fashion and report findings to the Senate Planning Review Committee and the University Senate;
- To recommend, when necessary, to the Senate Planning Review Committee and the University Senate, with advice from other appropriate bodies as needed, program suspension or discontinuance based on findings from the program review process;
- To appoint subcommittees necessary to assist the Graduate Council in the conduct of its responsibilities;
- To assist in all evaluations of ongoing and proposed graduate programs for their consistency with the goals and objectives of the University;
- To maintain regular communication with the Senate Planning Review Committee through exchange of minutes; and
- To approve all candidates for degrees and report this approval to the President of the University.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Dean, Graduate Education, Chair |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Dean, Graduate Education |
Dean, Graduate Education |
One faculty member from each organized faculty that currently sponsors a graduate degree program |
Voting |
2-years |
Academic Unit |
Three faculty at-large |
Voting |
2-years |
Dean, Graduate Education |
One library faculty member |
Ex-Officio and Non-voting |
1-year |
Dean, University Libraries |
Assistant Dean, Graduate Education |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Assistant Dean |
Dean, Graduate Education |
To consider and recommend candidates for honorary degrees, according to the criteria and procedures specified by the Oakland University Board of Trustees and found at aypn.smxjjl.com/honoarydegree.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Six Faculty |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One Graduate Student |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress or Dean, Graduate Education |
Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Provost (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Voting |
While Exec Vice President or for period Exec Vice President Designates |
Exec Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
- To advise the President and the Athletic Director about matters affecting the academic and athletic integrity of intercollegiate athletics, including, but not limited to, matters affecting student-athlete welfare.
- To advise the Athletic Director generally on policies for student-athletes including, but not limited to, standards of academic eligibility, student support and health, academic integrity and progress, equity, Title IX, and NCAA and Horizon League issues.
- To assist Oakland University in meeting the NCAA and Horizon League standards for student-athlete welfare.
- To receive timely and regular reports from the Athletic Director on matters related to athletics, including but not limited to current and proposed plans and policies that affect the athletic programs, including plans and policies on buildings, facilities, budgets, services, academic support and NCAA compliance; and to advise and make recommendations on same.
- To receive reports and recommendations from other Senate committees and to advise and make recommendations to the Senate and its committees, as needed.
- To take on additional duties as directed by the Senate Steering Committee.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Four faculty |
Voting |
Staggered 3-year |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Two student-athletes |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Athlete Advisory Committee Executive Committee |
One Administrative Professional from University Housing, Student Financial Services or Admissions |
Voting |
3-year |
AP Assembly |
One external/community member |
Voting |
3-year |
Faculty Athletic Representative |
Professional Advisor |
Voting |
3-years |
Professional Advising Council |
Faculty Athletics Representatives (FAR) who shall serve as chair |
Voting |
While Faculty Athletic Representative |
Oakland University President |
Athletic Director |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Athletic Director |
Athletics Director |
Senior Woman Administrator in Athletics |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Senior Woman Administrator |
Athletic Director |
One Athletics Compliance Staff Member |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
1-year |
Athletic Director |
- To serve as a liaison between the University Libraries and the faculty and students of the University; to bring faculty and student opinion before the library and to interpret library policies to faculty and students;
- To advise the library and the University Senate in the formulation of broad general policies on collections, buildings, facilities, and services. These policies shall be presented to the University administration by the Dean of the University Libraries;
- To receive timely and regular reports from the Dean of the University Libraries on current and proposed library plans and policies;
- To receive timely and regular reports from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost on current and proposed university plans and policies which may impact the University Libraries and to advise and make recommendations on same;
- To receive reports and recommendations from other duly constituted committees and to advise and make recommendations to the Senate and its committees, as needed;
- To take on additional duties as directed by the Senate Steering Committee; and
- To meet regularly, but at least once each semester.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Four library faculty, eligible to serve as chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 2-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Four College faculty (one from each of the four faculty groups), eligible to serve as chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 2-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One faculty member from each school, eligible to serve as chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 2-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One medical library faculty, eligible to serve as chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 2-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Three students, one of whom is a graduate student |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Dean, University Libraries |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Dean, University Libraries |
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (or Designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Exec Vice President or for period Senior Vice President designates |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
Charge: (updated 11/21/23)
- To gather information on all mental health services currently available (how they operate, their availability, cost, capacity)
- To assess mental health issues and needs on campus.
- To gather information on the various OU web pages that have information on mental health support services, and to organize that information to be more easily accessible and visible by supervising the creation of one main web page that can be accessed from the main OU home page.
- To promote and advocate for the mental health needs of the OU community (faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students) by making recommendations to the University Senate.
Membership | Status | Term |
Appointing Body |
6 -9 Faculty, (at least one who works in the field of mental health); One (1) to be co-chair |
Voting | 3 years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
2-5 Students | Voting | 1 year |
Student Congress or Dean of Graduate School for graduate students |
One Representative from Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Optional) | Voting | 3 years |
Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee |
One Representative from DSS (Optional) |
Voting | 3 years |
Disability Support Services Director |
One Representative from Advising (PAC) | Voting | 3 years |
Professional Advisers Council |
One Representative from Univ Recreation and Well-Being | Voting | 3 years | University Recreation and Well-Being Director |
One mental health professional on campus (Graham Health and /or SEHS Counseling Center) | Voting | 3 years | Director of Graham Health Center or Dean of SEHS |
At least one (1) CT representative | Voting | 3 years | President of the OU Professional Support Association (OUPSA) |
One least one (1) AP representative | Voting | 3 years | AP Assembly |
One least one (1) Police Dept representative | Voting | 3 years | OU Chief of Police |
Dean of Students (or designee) Co-Chair |
Ex-Officio |
While Dean of Students or as appointed by Dean of Students | Dean of Students |
Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Provost (or Designee) |
Ex-Office Voting |
While EVPAA or as appointed by EVPAA | EVPAA and Provost |
Charge: Last Updated 4/17/23
- To work with the President, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, other vice presidents, the Senate Budget Review Committee, and other duly constituted committees in the review of university plans, goals, objectives, role, and mission;
- To advise the President, jointly with the Senate Budget Review Committee, regarding priorities for university resource allocations;
- To advise the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, jointly with the Senate Budget Review Committee, regarding priorities for academic resource allocations;
- To make recommendations to the Senate on any changes affecting the academic organization of the university;
- To advise the Senate on the university-wide implications of relevant changes affecting the organization of the university;
- To report to the Senate regarding the outcome of organizational changes;
- To report to the Senate and its committees (as needed, UCUI, the Graduate Council, the General Education Committee) on the university-wide implications of proposed new academic programs or the discontinuance or major reorganization of existing academic programs as may be proposed;
- To receive reports and recommendations from duly constituted committees, to maintain communication with the Graduate Council, the Senate Budget Review Committee, and the University Committee on Undergraduate Instruction through regular exchange of minutes, and to advise and/or make recommendations to the Senate, as needed;
- To take on additional duties as directed by the Senate Steering Committee; and
- To meet jointly, as needed, but at least once each semester with the Senate Budget Review Committee.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Six faculty, eligible to serve as chair. The chair, whenever possible, will be chosen from among those with experience on this committee. |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One student |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Registrar |
Ex-Officio and Voting |
While Registrar |
AP Assembly |
Director Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Voting |
While Director, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Director Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Dean of Graduate Education |
Ex-Officio and Non-voting |
While Dean of Graduate Education |
Dean of Graduate Education |
Associate Provost |
Voting |
While Associate Provost |
Exec Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
Updated: 2/2/23
- To encourage and promote scholarship, research, and creative endeavors among all faculty members of the University.
- The Committee's responsibilities include, in particular, the evaluation of applications for intramural research funds and the allocation of these funds among bargaining unit faculty members.
- More generally, they include advising and making recommendations to the Chief Research Officer on practices and policies conducive to scholarly activity.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Nine faculty, eligible to serve as chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One faculty appointed by Graduate Council, eligible to serve as chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years appointment shall be made by Graduate Council by February 15th for a term that would begin in the next Fall semester |
Graduate Council |
Chief Research Officer or Designee |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Chief Research Officer or designated by Chief Research Officer |
Chief Research Officer |
The Elections Committee of the University Senate shall conduct elections and referenda and make apportionments as described in the various articles of the Senate Constitution (Article IV, ix)
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Three Senators |
Voting |
2-years |
Steering Committee |
- To promote the teaching function and the learning process by sponsoring incentives for good teaching and by publicizing within the University significant ideas and approaches to teaching and learning;
- To provide for a more structured outlet for reflection on both the teaching and learning process and the aspirations and accomplishments of the teaching profession.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Nine faculty, eligible to serve as chair |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Four Students |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
Two Administrative Professionals |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
AP Assembly |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Exec Vice President or for period designated |
Exec Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost |
- To recommend to the University Senate academic policies and procedures concerning undergraduate education and, when necessary, seek advice from other appropriate bodies concerning the impact of these policies and procedures;
- To evaluate and monitor petitions of exception regarding university-wide undergraduate academic requirements except for university-wide general education requirements;
- To prepare an annual report on all petitions of exception to be shared with the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Registrar, individual Committees on Instruction, and the Senate Planning Review Committee;
- To make recommendations to the University Senate regarding proposed and existing undergraduate programs, including recommendations for program modification, suspension, or discontinuance;
- To advise the Senate Planning Review Committee (SPRC) and the Senate Budget Review Committee (SBRC) concerning proposed new undergraduate programs and to maintain regular communication with SPRC and SBRC through exchange of minutes;
- To cooperate with the General Education Committee in overseeing undergraduate instruction throughout the University and to maintain regular communication with that committee through exchange of minutes;
- To schedule and monitor decennial reviews of all undergraduate programs in timely fashion and report findings to the Senate Planning Review Committee and the University Senate;
- To evaluate ongoing and proposed undergraduate programs for their consistency with University academic policies and mission, to monitor catalog copy to ensure compliance with all such policies; and to monitor all catalog changes impacting outside of the Committee on Instruction making the change;
- To advise the Senate on all matters that body or its Steering Committee may refer to the Undergraduate Committee on University Instruction concerning undergraduate instruction and the general requirements within which the specifics of undergraduate degree programs function.
Membership |
Status |
Term |
Appointing Body |
Four College faculty representing the arts and humanities, languages, natural sciences, and social sciences, eligible to serve as chair. each of whom shall represent UCUI to the Committee on Instruction or equivalent group in her/his academic unit |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
One faculty member from each organized faculty outside the College, eligible to serve as chair. each of whom shall represent UCUI to the Committee on Instruction or equivalent group in her/his academic unit |
Voting |
Staggered, 3-years |
Senate upon nomination by the Steering Committee |
Two students |
Voting |
1-year |
Student Congress |
General Chairperson of the Faculty Council for BIS |
Voting |
While General Chairperson of the Faculty Council for BIS |
General Chairperson of the Faculty Council for Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies |
Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Vice President or for period Vice President designates |
Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer |
One Professional Advisor |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
3-years |
Professional Advising Council |
Registrar (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Registrar or for period Registrar designates |
Registrar |
Director of Financial Aid (or designee) |
Ex-officio and Non-voting |
While Director or |
Director of Financial Aid |
Associate Provost, Chair | Ex-officio and Non-voting | While Associate Provost | EVPAA&P |
Oakland University Senate